Quotes & Testimonials
Note: Like all content elements you can also use quotes and testimonials within the RockSolid Slider.
That's been one of my mantras - focus and simplicity. Simple can be harder than complex: You have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple. But it's worth it in the end because once you get there, you can move mountains.
– Steven „Steve“ Paul Jobs
The first rule of any technology used in a business is that automation applied to an efficient operation will magnify the efficiency. The second is that automation applied to an inefficient operation will magnify the inefficiency.
William „Bill“ Henry Gates III,
Microsoft Corporation
In my opinion currently the best themes available on the market. I gladly use them for projects, because they are easy to customize and just work.
RockSolid Themes make it possible for us to ship small projects fast and inexpensive. But: It goes without saying that the themes are also valuable for larger projects.
I'm absolutely amazed by the possibilities RockSolid Themes offer. You can customize them in a few minutes using the Theme Assistant and their great Slider.
If I could rate RockSolid Themes and their support with 10 stars I'd do it. Awesome themes and plugins built for real customer needs. Keep up the good work!
Beautiful, economically priced, professional, fast and innovative. I was seldom so satisfied as with this product... and I'm usually a rather picky customer.
Thank you for the great Theme! It can be easily adapted to the current layout ideas of many clients and the latest trends are already integrated.
Technology is nothing. What's important is that you have a faith in people, that they're basically good and smart, and if you give them tools, they'll do wonderful things with them.
Steven „Steve“ Paul Jobs,
Apple Inc.
It was such a great time!
Thank you for everything!
Ein großes Dankeschön an alle Mitwirkenden und die beiden Initiatoren
Ihr habt uns mit diesem Wochenende soviiiiiiel Energie, Power, Feeling, Spiritualität und so ein Riesen-Gemeinschaftsgefühl gegeben. Wir sehen uns in 2019 auf jeden Fall wieder...
Bis dahin, denkt dran: Our God is big, so strong and mighty! His plan for me is victory...
Die Organisation war super.
Es hätte für uns Teilnehmer nicht besser sein können.
Hut ab vor eurer Arbeit!
Es war sooooo emotional, soooo "verrückt"
und soooo genial!!! Vielen Dank...
Danke für das wunderbare Wochenende!
Ich singe erst seit einem Jahr in einem Gospelchor und hatte mir bereits im September letzten Jahres ein Herz gefasst und mich für "Gospelholydays 2016" angemeldet. Oft überkamen mich Zweifel, ob ich diesem Event überhaupt gewachsen bin. Aber: ich habe nicht gekniffen! Und: ich habe diese Entscheidung nicht bereut! Gut, es gab Momente, wo ich einfach keinen Ton heraus brachte... Das lag jedoch nicht an meiner Stimme, sondern an der Stimmung im Saal.
Es war sooooo emotional, soooo "verrückt" und soooo genial!!! Vielen Dank für die vielen wunderbaren Stunden. In diesem riesigen Chor habe ich mich sehr wohlgefühlt!